This is an item that might stay in your bag and not on the camera much of the time. That is, if your shooting where there is shade to shade the screen of your camera. But when you need this, you really need this. I bought my GF1 because I only shoot in RAW, and I don't worry about JPEG. I shoot in RAW, because I sell my work to magazines, and I need the best file out of the camera that I can get. Lots of the time, I am shooting where the sun isn't directly on the screen on the back of the camera , and so I don't need the LVF1, but when you move to direct sun light, then you really are going to need this. Works great, and you could keep it mounted on the camera if you wanted to. There is a button on the side of the viewfinder that when you push, it moves between the camera screen or the LVF1 being what you view with. What that means, if that you don't need to remove it to use the screen on the camera.
Very high quality. Good image, but not up to par with the one in my G2. Many things to love about it- variable angle, adjustable diopter, small size, and great in bright light. Good reason to buy this item,, it help gf1 or gf2 to take a shot clearly when you use it, by looking at your lcd and if theres light on it, its not clear enough, so use lvf1 to view it clearly.
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