
I think it is a good choice for practicing photograph by this lens. And the Aperture is 1.8, enough for most cases.

I love this lens, I get great photos with it, BUT for those who got used to the image stabilizer on canon's other lenses (like me) might of not get used to it at first, the focus could be better although sometimes it creates interesting and special photos.
at the bottom line- great lens, definitely worth the cheap price.

i like the DOF when the subject is away from the background a little. it makes the subject stand out more and the background merely that.. a background. The issue however is even in auto focus if you are taking pictures of foliage you get your focus set on where you want it and a gust of wind comes just as you snap and you look and it looks like it just raced by.. not really the lens' fault but still.. it's not fast enough for those types of things.

i picked up a 1.4 lens as well and awaiting the lens to do a comparison on if this one will suffice or is it worth the extra couple hundred to go for the other one.

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