
I purchased this after researching as many machines as I could, reading many of the reviews/comments/ complaints, and decided this would be a best purchase of my first espresso machine. I like espresso, it's just gone to soon after you make it, even if you savor the flavor and stretch it out as long as you can. So I also make mugs of strong coffee so I can sit and enjoy. This machine makes both great. The flavor and strength of my first espresso was far better then any I ever had at a *bucks. I had to experiment with the grind and tamping because I too was getting watery pucks at first. Like another reviewer, I found it's all in the grind and the tamp pressure. I have a capresso burr grinder with 8 settings in the fine to extra fine range. I tried all of them. To fine and it would not make coffee, less fine and would have great coffee but a watery puck. less fine yet and the proper tamp pressure, and it was perfect. Of my fine settings it was about in the middle. BUT, it was also in the tamp...Until I got the Terry's tamper, I couldn't get it tamped firm enough to use the fineest grind that I wanted. Now I have the proper grind marked on my grinder, fill the double filter with two scoops, tap it to settle it, tamp it, refill to the rim, tamp etc. until full. Put it on the machine, brew for 15-25 seconds and its done. Rich, strong espresso, wonderful aromatic crema, dry solid puck.

Now if I want coffee, I just brew a double and a single, put it in a mug, add hot water to the top, and enjoy a creamy, flavorful, aromatic coffee with no bitterness or acidity, almost as thick as chocolate milk. To speed things up if I have guests, or if I want several cups, I ordered three more filters from partstore.com for 12 bucks each. I pre fill them and can make four double shots in a row.

Also, the frother makes works great. Just learn how to do it on line first. Just under the surface and raise it up as the volume increases. And I use whole milk, which is harder to froth but tastes great.

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