
Ultimate Ears Cardboard Box Packaging Gunmetal Blue In-ear earphones metallic travel case 1/4" adapter jack attenuator cleaning tool kit kit Extender Cable Housed within the universal body are three individual speakers and an integrated passive crossover circuit board that directs the low-end frequencies to a dedicated speaker for bass the mid-range frequencies to a speaker for the vocals and the high frequencies to a speaker dedicated for treble. The changeable ear tips provide -26dB of isolation and passive noise cancellation.

These are the most expensive headphones I have ever purchased and honestly if I didn't think they were a revelation I would have returned them. Luckily they sound better than I could have imagined. I hear details in my music I have never heard before, and I don't have to crank up the volume to hear the details, they are there even at low volumes. I got these primarily for my iPod but plan to test the microphone with my Blackberry. I read a ton of reviews and comparisons before purchasing and I can't imagine how anything could possibly sound better. I hear the bottleneck guitar on The Stones No Expectations that I never heard before. I have listened to Pet Sounds for the millionth overall time and I heard things I had never heard before. Keep in mind, I am no audiophile. The best headphones I had owned previously were Sennheiser PX100's (which I love). The UE's blow those out of the water and I realize its not exactly an apples to apples comparison but the UE's are just out of this universe. I am presently burning them in using JLAB Audio's website (which has a burning in sound loop) and will try to post an update in a month or so after a little more extensive use. I recommend these highly.

I am a music lover with experience in production studios. These earphones allow me to get closer to the original sound than any other earphones or headphones I have tried. If you are looking for earphones that will give you more bass or sweeter vocals, these may not be the right earphones. but if you want to listen to music the way it was recorded, these will let you hear every bit of detail, both good and bad. I can longer listen to MP3 or other compressed audio formats as the distortion and compression problems are too obvious not to notice, so my iPod now holds a lot less music as everything is in AIFF or Wav format. The cables does seem a bit fragile, but they are replaceble.

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